Valentine Day 2021:
As the month of February approaches, many people start counting Valentine's Day at their fingertips, but do you know why we consider Valentine's Day? And why this day was named Valentin.
Valentine's Day is celebrated every year on 14 February. It is a festival of love and romance. On this day people send gifts and messages to their lover-girlfriend or partner. However, the question of most people remains when and why this festival is celebrated and what is the story behind it. Here we are answering all these unresolved questions.
What is the real story behind Valentine's Day?
The book 'Aurea of Jacobus de Vorazin' mentions valentines. This day is celebrated all over the world in the name of a Saint of Rome, whose name was Valentin. It is said that Saint Valentin wanted to see love grow throughout the world. But King Emperor Claudius of Rome did not like this thing at all. It seemed to Claudius that the Romans were not getting into the army because of their strong attachment to their wives and families.
Valentine's Day is celebrated in the name of Saint Valentine. Although there is no opinion about Saint Valentine, there are many stories about it, but the most prevalent story is that of Roman King Claudius and Saint Valentine. Claudius had prohibited the marriage of his soldiers, but Saint Valentine prepared many soldiers for marriage and got them married. Annoyed by this, the king hanged Saint Valentine on 14th February, 269. It is said that 14 February is celebrated as 'Day of Love' to remember Saint Valentin.
How did
valentine day start ?
This festival extended beyond a Roman festival. In Rome, there was a festival called 'Lupercalia' at which time the summer season starts there. In this festival, boys used to extract chicks in the name of girls from a box. During the festival, these couples used to be girlfriend-boyfriends and sometimes get married. Later the church started celebrating it as a Christian festival and in memory of Saint Valentine. After this, people started using the name of Saint Valentine to express their love.
How to celebrate Valentine's Day ?
You can celebrate this festival by making homemade cards, sweets, roses, romantic dates, spending time with friends and there are many ways to celebrate it. You can go to a romantic dinner or lunch or spend time in a romantic place.
For whom is Valentine's Day boy or girl ?
Valentine's Day is not for either boy or girl but for both. Both of them can celebrate it. This festival is celebrated not only for couples but for love, that love can be for anyone.What are the best messages for valentine day ?
On Valentine's Day you can send many types of messages to your loved ones. Messages that express the feeling of love or that convey the importance of this day. You will get such messages easily by searching on the Internet.
Give a best gift to your Valentine :-

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