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Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.


Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.

Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.-स्पिरुलिना इम्यून सिस्टम बूस्टर, कई विटामिन और खनिजों का सुपरफूड खजाना है l

* What is Spirulina? 

* Benefits of spirulina

* Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of spirulina

* Hypolipidemic effect of Spirulina

* Spirulina is antiviral

* Spirulina has anticancer effect

* Spirulina has cholesterol-lowering effects

* Spirulina should protect against chronic arsenic poisoning

* Spirulina is good for the heart

* Spirulina giving relief in symptoms of menopause

* Spirulina relieves fatigue

* Spirulina beneficial in allergy, rhinitis, and immunomodulation

* Spirulina beneficial in diabetes

* What are the doses of Spirulina? Dose of Spirulina

* Security profile | Special Precautions and Warnings Safety Profile &                   Precautions

* Pregnant woman

* Auto-immune disease

* Bleeding Disorders

* Phenylketonuria

Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.

Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.

What is Spirulina ? 

Spirulina is a blue-green algae. This algae is used as a source of protein and vitamin supplementation without any significant side effects in humans. In addition to high (up to 70%) of the protein, vitamins, especially B12 and provitamin A (β-carotene), and minerals, especially iron, are also found. It is also rich in phenolic acid, tocopherol and γ -linolenic acid. Spirulina lacks cellulose cell walls and hence can be digested easily.

Spirulina is used as a dietary supplement. It has the ability to modify immune functions and reduce inflammation by inhibiting histamine release by cells. This alga can improve many symptoms of many diseases. It has antiallergic, anticancer, antiviral, antitumor, antioxidant, antidiabetic, and antibacterial effects. Spirulina has high protein, iron, and other mineral content that is absorbed when taken orally. It can benefit in immune system, inflammation and viral infections etc.

Spirulina is a microscopic and filamentous cyanobacterium. Algae are aquatic organisms. Algae like plants make their own food by photosynthesis in the presence of sunlight, but they do not have the same root, leaves, etc. composition as plants.

Spirulina is found in moist soil, fresh and salty water, bark of trees, green, brown or some black layers on moist walls. Spirulina is relatively easy to cultivate, but only at high pH and controlled outdoor conditions it grows in large outdoor alkaline lakes. There are only a few regions around the world where it can be grown such as India, Greece, Japan, United States and Spain etc.

Spirulina is high in nutrients

Spirulina generates energy from sunlight through the photosynthesis process. 7 grams of spirulina contain only 20 calories, and 1.7 grams of carbohydrate. A teaspoon of spirulina contains a small amount of fat (about 1 gram), with both omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in a 1.5: 1 ratio.

Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.

The quality of protein in spirulina is considered to be excellent, comparable to eggs. It contains all the essential amino acids.

One teaspoon (7 grams) of dried spirulina powder is in:

• Protein: 4 grams.

• Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): 11% of RDA

• Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 15% of RDA

• Vitamin B3 (Niacin): 4% of RDA

• Copper: 21% of RDA

• Iron: 11% of RDA

• It also contains magnesium, potassium and manganese, and we have small amounts of almost every other nutrient.

Spirulina is a very good source of vitamins B, A, C, E and K. Spirulina is also a good source of many minerals such as iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, selenium, and zinc. These superfoods are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, anti-oxidants such as beta-carotene, and other beneficial elements.

Spirulina produces up to two hundred times the protein

According to Nutrition Data report, spirulina is a complete plant-based protein source. This means that it contains all types of amino acids. Experts say those, who are concerned about the sustainability of the cattle industry and its impact on the environment, will be happy to learn that spirulina produces over two hundred times more usable protein.

Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.

Health Benefits of Spirulina .

Spirulina has various bioactive components, such as phycocyanin, carotenoids, γ-linolenic acid, fiber, and plant sterols, which can promote optimal health in humans. Spirulina contains nutritional natural products rich in essential amino acids, γ-linolenic acid (GLA), fiber, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, pigments such as β-carotene, xanthophyll's, and chlorophyll, and other bioactive compounds.

Due to the active components of spirulina, it reduces total cholesterol and triglyceride. Spirulina inhibits lipid peroxidation and shows free radical scavenging, which may be beneficial for protection against oxidative stress. Spirulina may contribute to the prevention of metabolic and inflammatory diseases.

Spirulina is beneficial in hypercholesterolemia, hyperglyceridemia, cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory diseases, cancer and viral infections.

Amazing benefits of spirulina capsules: -

1. Spirulina keeps all of us young even at maximum age and gives us          long life.

2. Regular consumption of it increases sexual power to a great extent.        Because it has amazing power to fight against sexual dysfunction.

3. You can consume spirulina during pregnancy, so that there will never      be a shortage of iron inside you.

4. It has also been found in the research on the properties of spirulina        that if it has a very good role for the patients of sugar, then it can          also be consumed in the disease of sugar.

5. Spirulina is not less than a boon for those who do not grow in length        or whose hair is very hairy.

6. Consumption of spirulina can prevent serious and terrible diseases          like cancer.

Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.

Spirulina's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

Spirulina contains many active ingredients, notably phycocyanin and β-carotene which have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of phycocyanin were first reported in 1998.

Both oxidative stress and inflammation contribute to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases including atherosclerosis, cardiac hypertrophy, heart failure, and hypertension. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity which protects against diseases.

Spirulina is a blue-green microalgae and grows in fresh water. It has been on Earth for billions of years and is believed to be one of the earliest forms of life on our earth. Experts say that it is a good source of many nutrients and it helps the body to naturally detoxify.

Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.

Spirulina's hypolipidemic effect

The hypolipidemic effect of Spirulina has been demonstrated in preclinical and clinical studies. Phycocyanin is a water-soluble protein and is rich in Spirulina. It reduces serum cholesterol by being phycocyanin.

Spirulina is good for the heart

The cardiovascular benefits of Spirulina mainly result from its hypolipidemic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.

It was concluded that supplementation of Spirulina in daily doses of 2 or 4 grams for three months significantly improved the lipid profile of patients with ischemic heart disease.

Early research suggests that taking 4.5 grams of Spirulina by mouth for 6 weeks a day reduces blood pressure in some people with high blood pressure.

Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.

Spirulina gives relief in symptoms of menopause

Preliminary studies suggest that taking 1.6 grams of Spirulina by mouth for 8 weeks reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression in women undergoing menopause.

Spirulina relieves fatigue

Spirulina improves energy levels. The polysaccharides (rhamnose and glycogen) and essential fats present in it are easily absorbed by human cells and help to release energy. Spirulina increases healthy lactobacillus in the intestine, enabling the production of vitamin B6 which also helps to release energy.

Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.

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Spirulina beneficial in allergy, rhinitis, and immunomodulation

Spirulina exhibits anti inflammatory properties by inhibiting the release of histamine from mast cells. Studies have shown that high doses of Spirulina demonstrate a protective effect in allergic rhinitis.

Spirulina beneficial in diabetes

Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or type 2 diabetes mellitus is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary artery disease. Patients with type 2 diabetes are often affected by atherosclerotic vascular disease.

Abnormalities of both quantity and quality of lipoprotein in type 2 diabetes patients contribute to an increase in atherosclerotic vascular disease. Four human clinical studies have been performed to investigate the hypolipidemic and hyperglycerolemic effects of Spirulina in type 2 diabetes patients.

A 2-gram daily dose of Spirulina supplements for 2 months reduces total serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and free fatty acid levels.

Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.

Spirulina improves exercise performance

Taking 4 grams of spirulina thrice for 4 weeks does not cause fatigue from jogging.

Spirulina protects against seasonal allergies (hay fever)

Early research suggests that adults taking 2 grams of Spirulina per day for 6 months can relieve some of the allergy symptoms.

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Spirulina improves muscle strength

Spirulina supplementation increases muscle strength. It has antioxidant properties that can help reduce exercise-induced oxidative damage in athletes and physically active individuals.

Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.

What is Spirulina dose? 

A standard daily dose of spirulina is 1-3 grams, but doses up to 10 grams per day are used effectively.

Spirulina less than 10 grams per day can be used safely for up to 6 months.

Side effects are generally mild and may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, fatigue, headaches, and dizziness.

Security profile | Special Precautions and Warnings Safety Profile & Precautions in Hindi

Spirulina is generally considered safe for human consumption. However, rare cases of side effects have been reported in humans and should be taken into consideration.

Additional clinical studies are needed to systematically establish the safety profile of Spirulina in humans.

Spirulina products that are free of contaminants, such as liver-damaging substances such as microcystins, toxic metals, and harmful bacteria, are potentially safe for most people on short-term use.

But the contaminated Spirulina product is particularly unsafe for children. Children are more sensitive to contaminated blue-green algae products than adults.

Spirulina growth and process quality control are mandatory to avoid contamination to guarantee the safety of Spirulina products.

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Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.

Pregnant woman

Four animal studies have been conducted with pregnant mice to determine whether there is any side effect of eating Spirulina on fetal and fetal growth and development. It was found that eating Spirulina did not change maternal and fetal weight. No teratogenicity was found with consumption of Spirulina even with the highest dose and longest duration.

But there is no research available for this in humans. Therefore, avoid the use of Spirulina during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Auto immune disease

Symptoms of auto-immune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), pemphigus vulgaris (a skin condition), and other immune system related diseases. Can increase. If you have one of these conditions, do not use Spirulina.

Bleeding disorders

Spirulina can slow blood clotting and increase the risk of injury and bleeding in people with bleeding disorders.

Spirulina species contain the chemical phenylalanine. This may make phenylketonuria worse. Spirulina species avoid Spirulina products if there is phenylketonuria.

Spirulina Immune system booster, a superfood treasure of many vitamins and minerals.

Side Effects of Spirulina 

Very few reports regarding possible side effects of Spirulina consumption were made. However, in some cases, it may cause allergic reactions, headaches, sweating, or sleep disorders. People with known allergies to various seafood or seaweeds should avoid the Spirulina.The consumption of this cyanobacterium can induce abdominal pain, nausea, or flatulence when it is consumed for the first time. If Spirulina is infected with various contaminants from the water, toxins, heavy metals or pollutants, it also gives rise to severe gastric perturbances. The safety of this product for pregnant or breastfeeding women is not well established, so it is recommended to be avoided during these periods.

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Note : This article is just for your knowledge only kindly consult with your doctor before use the spirulina .    

Public Review 

I'm taking this Spirulina which is a blue green algae tablet. I would like to know if I can continue taking it. What are its side effects.


Ans : Hello... please don't take continuously , take it 2 months than stop than again take 2 month Gap & than take 2 month.
Hello Doctor, I have been taking Pilex tablets to cure piles and currently started taking Spirulina tablets as a supplement and stopped taking Pilex for now in fear of some reaction. So I wanted to ask that can I continue taking Pilex tablets along with Spirulina supplement. Thanks!


I'm taking spirulina tablets which is ayurvedic. I would like to know what are the side effects of it. Can I continue taking it


Ans : There Is no as such Side effect of this spirulina other than individual problem if you are taking already than there is not an issue
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Sir is it safe to consume pollen tablet and spirulina .. if yes.. then plz tell me dosage of both .. also tell me if there exist any side effects.


Ans : We are providing solutions of diseases and give expert opinion, many times 2nd opinion. . If you have already diagnosed with the help of internet thrn we will not give any solution for dose and all..  Tell your problems in in private chat we will definitely help you.. we are keeping records of every patient...

I have just quit smoking after almost 5 years. And I am trying to get my health back on track. So i have been exercising and have avoiding junk food. I heard about this nutritious superfood called spirulina. I was thinking to start taking it along with fish oil capsules. Will it cause any side effects? Can it cause any adverse effect on my health?


I am 21 yr old male .....I am skinny. ....can I use spirulina and if I can how much do i


 See,There are many reason of being underweight. 1. Endocrine disturbances 2. Genetic 3. Vitamins and minerals deficiency 4. Psychological problem 5.IBS 6. Eating disorder 7. Liver dysfunction 
For more information and to contact visit your doctor for best guidance  Thanks with regards
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Hi , can spirulina cause rashes. Please have a look at the picture i hv put along with the message. Wanted to know if it is spirulina effect or something else


Ans : Very rarely...Don't worry...you are suffering from allergic dermatitis causing this problem... Specific medicine available for good control... Treatment depends on the severity..Do direct online consultation for detailed prescription

I have buyed spirulina from vestige...my doubt is safe to take it..as i know something it has side effects...so i request you to kindly give me details on dosage and usage of spirulina


It is safe to consume spirulina  it is a superfood, full  of antioxidants
Spirulina is safe to consume and is hailed as a superfood. Please consume this supplement as per the dosage that is mentioned on the label by the manufacturer. It does have some side effects such as headache, insomnia and sweating too. Stop its use immediately if you notice any such symptoms. Also, if you are allergic to sea food, you should avoid spirulina
Hello Greetings for the day!
Spirulina is safe and is a superfood. It has many properties like a powerful antioxidant, it reduces cholesterol and triglycerides, it improves immunity. Though some do experience mild side effects if taken in excess quantity. So don't exceed the recommended dose.
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