"Old people feel neglected all the time, don't you know?"
When I'm old, a very old man, will you stay with me for a while? Will you have some patience with me? Suppose your precious glass vessel suddenly falls from my hand or I put the vegetable bowl on the table, then I will not be able to see properly, right? Please don't shout and scold me! Old people feel neglected all the time, don't you know?
One day I'll lose my hearing, one day I won't understand what you're saying, but don't call me deaf! If necessary, take the trouble to say it again or write it down on paper. Forgive me, I am old by nature's law, what should I do?
And when my knees tremble, both legs refuse to bear the weight of this body, won't you help me stand a little patiently, say? Like you first learned to walk by standing on my feet?
Sometimes I'll chatter like a broken record player, listen a little louder. Please don't ridicule me. Don't bother with my bullshit. Do you remember how as a kid you used to murmur to a balloon near my ear until I bought you one, remember?
Please forgive my body odor if possible. My body smells of old age. Then don't force me to take a bath. At that time my body will become very weak, I will start feeling cold as soon as I drink a little water. Please don't put wrinkles on your nose while looking at me! You remember, I kept running after you because you didn't want to take a bath? Trust me, this is what happens to old people. Maybe one day you'll understand, maybe one day!
If you have time, we'll gossip together, okay? Even if it is only for a moment. I am alone all day long, I do not spend my time alone. I know you will be very busy with your work, even if you don't like listening to my old things, hang out with me for a while. Do you remember how many times I used to listen to your little doll, and you kept talking, talking. How many stories I used to tell you too, do you remember?
There will come a day when I lay in bed, will you take care of me a little? Sorry if the bed got wet by mistake, if the sheets got dirty, please don't leave me at my last minute!
When the time comes, take my hand in your fist. Give me some courage so that I can fearlessly embrace death. Don't worry, when I see my Creator, I will whisper in his ear that he does you good. Protect you from all evil. Because you loved me, you took care of me in my old age.
I love you so much, you can be good. Apart from this, what else can I say, what can I give?
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